Women/Female Hair Transplant
Alopecia in women is often overlooked as a major cosmetic problem.
For women with hair loss, the psychological effects are often more severe than for men. Advances in modern hair transplantation have allowed successful hair restoration in many cases of female alopecia that might not have been possible to treat with older techniques. A classification of female hair loss patterns into 5 different categories is proposed. On the basis of these categories, a variety of techniques are demonstrated to restore alopecia. Careful preoperative patient evaluation, including analysis of the donor and recipient features, is emphasized. In addition, women's psychological reactions to hair loss and the expectations for hair restoration are discussed.
Patient Evaluation and Classification
Evaluation of a woman with hair loss requires a more in-depth history and work-up than evaluation of a man because of the more numerous medical and hormonal causes for alopecia in women.1–4 Evaluation by a dermatologist, endocrinologist, or internist can be helpful when a clear explanation for the hair loss is not readily available.
Although different classification systems for hair loss in women have been proposed,5 there is still no system that is universally accepted or applicable, especially for surgical hair restoration. The proposed classification into 5 fundamental types of hair loss (Table) is a contemporary modification of previous attempts to categorize female hair loss. This categorization is particularly suited for the surgical evaluation and treatment of alopecia in women.
Table.Classification of female hair loss patterns
Type 1 Generalized thinning with discrete areas of alopecia in the frontal and crown vertex area
Type 2 Global diffuse thinning without discrete areas of alopecia
Type 3 Frontal temporal recession typically seen in male pattern alopecia
Type 4 Scarring alopecia
Type 5 Medical and hormonal causes
The most common pattern for hair loss in women is type 1, which was first described by Ludwig.5 These typical patterns are graded in terms of severity depending on the extent of alopecia (Figures 1 and 2). This type of pattern differs from those seen in men in that women usually maintain an intact frontal rim of anterior hair. In many of these patients, some degree of global scalp thinning may be present as well.

Beard & Mustache Transplant
With the experience and advances in hair transplantation techniques.
It has been possible to successfully perform transplantation of follicular units (FUs) in the facial zone. Beard and mustache transplant procedures have increased in demand in recent years to improve appearance and highlight masculine features with natural results.
Normally, around puberty male hormones stimulate beard hair growth. Along with a strong genetic basis, the hair follicles of the beard produce terminal hairs (thick hair) under the actions of the hormone dihydrotestosterone (DHT).
According to some studies, men who grow an unshaven beard are perceived as older, more masculine, and more dominant and aggressive, and attract more positive female attitudes than those men whose face is clean-shaven.
Preoperative Evaluation
Patients who are candidates for facial hair transplantation are:
Those who have total absence of hair or low density from birth with spaces in the beard.
In scarring hair loss due to: burns, injuries from traffic accidents, as a consequence of acne, from correction of cleft lip, or any other surgery, etc.
In the masculinization of transgender patients.
The main cause of transplantation is in patients with little hair and spaces in the beard.
During the evaluation, a design is drawn that includes the areas to be grafted, and the surface area and number of FUs required are determined. Anatomically, the facial region of the beard can be divided into different zones to determine where the FUs will be placed:
The upper lip: mustache
Chin region
Genian area: beard of the cheek
Descending section of the jaw: sideburns

Eyebrows & Eyelashes Transplant
Eyebrows and eyelashes make an important contribution to facial symmetry and presentation of self to others
Eyebrows and eyelashes make an important contribution to facial symmetry and presentation of self to others. A person without eyebrows and/or eyelashes may feel very self-conscious about his/her appearance. Transplantation or reconstructive surgery can often restore eyebrows and eyelashes.
Eyebrows and eyelashes are lost in a variety of ways:
Physical trauma—e.g., auto accident, thermal, chemical or electrical burns
Systemic or local disease that causes loss of eyebrow and/or eyelashes
Congenital inability to grow eyebrows and/or eyelashes
Plucking (to reshape the eyebrow) that results in permanent loss of eyebrows
Self-inflicted obsessive plucking or eyebrows and/or eyelashes (trichotillomania)
Medical or surgical treatments that result in eyebrow or eyelash loss—e.g., radiation therapy, chemotherapy, surgical removal of tumor.
The cause of eyebrow/eyelash loss is evaluated in medical history and examination prior to consideration of hair restoration:
Systemic or local disease that causes hair loss must be under control to assure that hair restoration can succeed
Obsessive-compulsive plucking (trichotillomania) must be treated to assure that restored hair will not be plucked out
Trauma, burns or surgery may have resulted in formation of scar tissue; reconstructive surgery may be necessary before eyebrow/eyelash restoration. The degree of eyebrow loss may vary from complete to partial; the degree of loss may be a consideration in selection of the restoration procedure.
Some patients have no eyebrow/eyelash loss, but seek eyebrow/ eyelash enhancement for cosmetic reasons such as a change in the shape of an eyebrow or longer eyelashes.
Eyebrow Hair Restoration
A number of procedures are available for restoration of all or part of the eyebrow:
Transplantation of follicular units or single hairs from a donor area to the eyebrow, and a reconstructive flap or graft procedure that brings a strip of hair from another site to the eyebrow.
The patient and surgeon must agree on the procedure best suited to the needs of the patient. Eyebrow restoration procedures are usually performed in an outpatient setting. Postoperative complications are usually limited to minor pain and swelling.
Reconstruction of the Eyebrow Using Flaps or Grafts
Reconstructive surgery has been used for many years to restore missing eyebrows or to repair partially missing eyebrows. Technical considerations and the needs of the patient determine which reconstructive procedure is used.... READ MORE

Male Hair Transplant
Male Hair transplant can generally be categorized to FUE , FUT , HYBRID FUE AND DHI types of hair transplant.
Depending upon the donor area and extent of baldness hair transplant can be performed safely without complications.
Here at capital hair restoration we assess the donor area and advise you with the best solution suited for your needs.